Tuesday, September 12, 2006

so you think you can not watch 'so you think you can dance?'

i saw this show for the first time - clips of it - presented to me by neenia and bedroom prince.
it sort of turns me on.
i sort of want to make love to it.
i thought i was safe.

no one is safe!! stand back from your television... it will get you!
thank god i don't have cable.


skinny-rabbit said...

Go over and watch every episode you can. I'm coming back in a month and a half to take them away.

Also I do believe I was your first introduction to clips of it on my blog. You said so yourself in comment form. I have the evidence.

dancing girl said...

i dunno. . . i stumbled onto it once. . . and that was about it. . .

The ArtofBeingMe said...

yeah, i have to agree with u on that. i became slightly addicted to skinnyrabbits page for a couple days

Lindsay said...

hee hee, it will draw everyone in eventually. but you can't have Ivan!!! he's mine!!!

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

I have dreams about it.

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