Sunday, January 07, 2007

high expectations

it sucks when people you care about act like self centred jerks. it also sucks when people who hold a level of responsibility don't live up to their duties.

i find that human nature is often letting me down.
this makes me sad.
it also pisses me off.

yet under stress or pressure - the world really turns into lord of the flies, doesn't it? when i first read that book i thought - "that's not true, people aren't that self serving!"
but they are.

booourns to that!


bedroomprince said...

Let us not let each other down.
Let us lift each other up.

(I must be more honest in order to do so.)

The ArtofBeingMe said...

I think that's why depression as an illness is sweeping through the western world. too many let downs.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

you know, I had high expectations, too: that I would be constantly entertained by the goings on in my friends' lives.

I guess that was just too much to ask for?

Lindsay said...

seriously. blog again.