Friday, March 16, 2007

goodtimes on my own

i'm starting to settle into living alone. i like it! i don't have to share! i never liked sharing. i was always taught to share - so it's not my parents fault. i clearly was born with a "doesn't like to share" gene. i can't help it. i don't even really like sharing with my cat. his litter box is under the sink in the bathroom. he likes to kick his shit out of his litter box. i think he does it to piss me off. how would he like it if i did my business beside the toilet? i think he would find it insulting. at least he hasn't yet rolled his turds over to my bedroom area. he used to do that when i lived in a basement apartment. i don't think he liked it there. why do animals get away with leaving their shit around when they're pissed off? if i did that i wouldn't have any friends. my cat, however has friends. people like him. even cats like him. it must be his stunning personality.


dancing girl said...

apartment-sharing claustrophobia. if you didn't live in the city, you could both bury your turds in the garden.

Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

you make me laugh and happy that we are friends.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

hahahahaha.....i'm living with a dog now. i love it, but his shedding offends me. i get on the subway in my navy coat that is coated in a layer of golden fur and wonder why people are staring. i don't know how, but somehow the hair knows exactly where to find me and every article of my clothing. the dog i don't mind sharing with, the ferocious army that is his fur? i mind.