Friday, June 23, 2006

i'm so cool

i rode past his work today and felt sick to my stomach. why do i always feel the need to act cool? like "whatever, i don't care about you - even when you are a big stupid person - it's so not even important to my ever fantastic life".
but i really want to bring my bike to a screaching halt - walk into his workplace and be like
"fuck you for not calling me! fuck you for being all obsessed with me for all of a month and then changing your goddamn mind! fuck you for making me like you and think about you all the time and tell my friends about all your quirks and weirdnesses!! you started this! what's your problem asshole?!"... and then i'd upturn a couple tables or something... i haven't worked out all the details....
but i just ride on by.
because i am very very cool.
with a less than satisfactory haircut.


bedroomprince said...

You are forever cool in my mind (no matter what haircut you have)

skinny-rabbit said...

I like it when you impersonate a skunk leading into Tom Hanks dying in Philidelphia.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

I wish we could do drive-bys where all we had to do was fire a silent laser gun that would hit them directly in the heart and cause it to break in two. then they would start being sensitive and cry and realise that they are scum.

skinny-rabbit said...

I just thought i'd throw out there that your link to Neenia (who has been suspiciously MIA of late) is not a good one. You have linked the wrong journal, and I sometimes use it as a short cut, so we should do something about this.

artsmonkey said...

i know my link to neenia sucks. i've tried to fix it soooo many times. including like 4 times the last time i was on. i don't get it!! everyone else's link works!

skinny-rabbit said...

It's because you have her linked at, which doesn't actually exist. It's something along the lines of

Lindsay said...

i have been MIA as of late but I'm back, baby! check out my brand new blog! rogers came this morning!

i don't know what my connecting link thingie is. how do i find this out?

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

I wanna do that too! Fuck being cool! Actually, being cool is cool, but it's cool to go in there and upturn tables and bitch. Really, it's not even bitching, it's demanding answers that you have a right to get!!!

Boys don't know anything.