Tuesday, June 27, 2006


i'm considering... note - "considering"... being an egg donor. i'm in serious financial shiaat. is this a bad idea? i met a girl who was actually doing it - and she said, no weird side effects, except that she was super horny all the time.... great. just what i need.
but seriously... could i do it?


skinny-rabbit said...

Do you need to know when the egg is implanted? Would you want to know if you had children running around somewhere saying witty things with bad haircuts?

Wait, does donating your egg mean it's taken out of your vagina and kept in those frozen incubator things? It's different than being a surrogate, yes?

On a similar note, I once considered selling my soiled underpants to dirty old men with disgusting fetished online. Maybe that would be an easier road to take.

Lindsay said...

i sometimes consider becoming an escort or a phone-sex operator when i'm seriously hard up for cash. donating eggs sounds much less difficult. definetly keep considering it.

nk said...

I wouldn't do it. But I'm not a woman.

bedroomprince said...

What does this actually entail?

artsmonkey said...

i looked into it a bit - i'd need to get a full physical and psychological assessment - then they'd give me some hormones - then they draw my eggs out of my uterus - or something. but only if a couple picked me. and i wouldnt be a surrogate. but yes - i've thought about it - and i don't know how i'd feel about some offspring of mine being raised by strangers.

Lindsay said...

sounds like a long process.

The ArtofBeingMe said...

It's so funny because I can only hear my mother's voice over the phone when i was hard up for cash or something....."Don't go doing anything crazy, like donating your eggs. we'll help you out"

but what's so crazy about it? if it's going to bring someone who cannot produce her own eggs happy for the rest of her life then why is that a bad thing? I've heard the procedure itself is just pretty invasive.

then again, it's basically the same as adopting.....there are hundreds of children who need good homes all over the world. people should be adopting before fertilizing someone else's egg.