Tuesday, February 06, 2007

where will i live?

i'm currently mid - apartment search. i don't like searching for apartments. i like the idea of living in a new apartment - all by myself... but i don't like looking. i went to a place yesterday that, by it's description, seemed pretty sweet. it was a dungeon. how do people live in these places? the guy showing it was like "it's warm".... and i was thinking - so is a monkey's armpit, but i wouldn't live in a monkey's armpit, would i.


The ArtofBeingMe said...

really? i would

Lindsay said...

lolololololololol. you're funny.

skinny-rabbit said...

Are you kidding? I LOVE apartment hunting! I do it even when I'm not actually looking for an apartment. Go to viewit.ca.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

hahaha! now i'm thinking of other warm places i wouldn't live.

i love apartment hunting too! skinny is good at it, he'll find you something.

skinny-rabbit said...

Ooh! Can I?! I'm coming to town on Friday night and I'm there for a week. I can go see places with you! This is all very sexual.