Sunday, May 20, 2007


when two people in a seemingly 'good' relationship break up - the people surrounding them become unsettled. one of the most diffucult things about ending a relationship is answering people's questions. and i know it shouldn't matter... but for some reason it adds to the weight of change.


Invalid Password said...


Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

it is really hard. what are you supposed to say? it's a shame private conversations are not filmed and broadcast so that everyone understands.

Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...

but on the other hand, if we were to make no mention of it at all and go about our lives as if you were not going through a really rough time, you would think we were being insensitive and wonder why no one wanted to know if you were alright.

dancing girl said...

like neenia, i think it's because people care. but yes, it's interesting how what we think is a relationship between 2 people becomes something involving all of those around us, as well. maybe that's why it's such a big deal for us individualistic westerners to introduce our significant others to our friends and families. . . unlike those who are more used to community decision-making in all aspects of their lives.

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

personally, I haven't been offended. when my mom asked, I was annoyed. when practical strangers on facebook asked, I was annoyed. But I NEEEEDED to talk about it, so when my friends asked, I answered. I knew there was no stigma attatched to the questions. well, I hoped...

artsmonkey said...

it's not really an offense - and it's great to know that friends care, but it's so hard to answer those questions even for yourself.