Sunday, July 30, 2006

wrapping my mind around monaco

so i've been asked to go to monaco - to dance - with a pipe band, and 3 other dancers. we will be performing for the prince. i said yes, of course.
i still don't really believe that i'm going.... this isn't for a few months - so maybe that's it.
maybe it's b/c i'm replacing a girl who has become pregnant... the whole thing is just way too dirty dancing...
will patrick swayze be there? gee, i sure hope so.


The ArtofBeingMe said...

i hope so too.

are you going to lift your kilt and show the prince your hoo-ha? that would be hot.

Lindsay said...

maybe you`ll have a fling with an employee of the prince and you`ll get caught and he`ll be fired and have to drive off into the sunset while ``she`s like the wind`` plays in the background only to return a week later for your performance and find you sitting in a corner with a jerry orbach look-a-like in a light pink kilt and he`ll tell him, ``nobody puts alison in a corner.`` then you`ll do a highland fling and he`ll jump off the stage and dance down the aisle with the other employees, including the pregnant one, and you`ll run into his arms and do a lift and the entire kingdom will explode into a dance sequence. hot.

artsmonkey said...


dancing girl said...

why is the idea of you in some bizarre scottish musical dance sequence in monaco not actually that bizarre in my mind? I can see it. . . it's there. . .

Warrior Princesse Alathariel said...

um...awesome. You're like...a professional dancer and stuff. For like...a PRINCE!